
Knowing Jesus

Matthew 17:1~6

There Jesus was transfigured before three disciples.

What events happened before Jesus’s transfiguration?

John Baptist was killed, before Peter confess Jesus is Christ, There were many different points of view about who was Jesus.

Some people said Jesus was John Baptist, some people said he might be Moses and Elijah. But who do you think Jesus was?

The knowing of Jesus has four different levels.

Level 1: He is our teacher and Rabi of life.

When a new believer come to church, it was his first time to know Jesus, he start to understand that Jesus’s teaching and words are so great and really helpful for our life and work. There was a lot of wisdom and similar books were there, Bible was just one of them.

Level 2: He is John The Baptist, Moses and Elijah.

John was the person who prepare the road for Jesus, Moses represents law of God and Elijah represents the greatest prophet in the old testament. Those three people are different than ordinary people. When one of new believers start to realize that Jesus and his theories are so important and great, my life might be changed through it.

Level 3: He is Christ, the son of living God.

After Jesus brought three disciples up to the mountain, he transfigured. Our faith knowing Jesus should come to this level to get the true change. We should accept this Lord into our heart and know he is the only one who can save my life.

But why Peter looked so surprised when he saw Jesus transfigured on the mountain? He has already confessed that Jesus was Christ and son of living God.

Because he has not opened his eyes to know Jesus. Like when Paul did not understand why Jesus called him when he even killed his disciples and put them into prison. Another brother come to touched Paul and something like scales fell from Paul’s eyes and he can see again. Such huge grace come to his life, it took him three years to meditate the love of God and he get changed and start to do great things for him and confessed that he was the worst siners of all the sinners.

Then, Peter said, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one for Elijah. He was so easy to get satisfaction and stop there. They heard the voice come from above and they fell face-down to the ground, terrified. He get the holiness sense at this point. Like Jacob did when he was at Bethel and dreamed stairway there. When he a woke from his sleep , he thought, “Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware of it. How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God; This is the gate of heaven.”

Level 4: we should opened our eyes when we know he is our savior and larger than anyone in the world and we will get the heart of fear of the Lord and the holiness sense. When we get to this point we will have the mature Christian life.

Knowing Jesus

