I think I’m not the only one who is curious about what we are going to be doing in heaven. You’ve wondered about that, haven’t you? Not just what is heaven like, but what will do for all eternity? Maybe you’ve heard that in heaven you’ll do forever what you love to do. So you might have heard that heaven is one endless basketball course. That’s great if you love to basketball, but what about the rest of us who think it’s way too much running and it’s awfully frustrating trying to get that orange ball into a basket in the air in such a small room? Maybe for people like us, there will be a football court. But what if you don’t like football? Then what? You get the point.
God doesn’t give us specifics in his Word about what we’ll be doing for all eternity, but the Bible is clear that we won’t be sitting on a cloud. We will be active and doing things, we will be living on a “new earth,” we’ll be eating with the Lord and other people, we’ll be celebrating and talking to the heroes of faith. That is really fantastic, right? Kind of like the best wedding reception you’ve ever gone to…and it never ends. It’s possible that our existence in heaven will resemble spiritual life on this planet much more than we think. But one thing is for certain: it will be perfect and it won’t be so much about what we are doing but it will be more about who we’re with.
Today the risen Savior gives us a little snapshot of heaven to encourage us and to help us see the big picture. We’re in the picture but we’re not front and center. Jesus is. His believers and the angels – and all that he created – are worshiping him because he’s the one who deserves our worship and praise.
Remember that Revelation is a series of visions that Jesus gave the Apostle John to show how Jesus is the winner. At the start of this chapter the Apostle John saw a vision of God the Father holding a sealed up scroll. The scroll holds the future and John was sad because no one could open it.
The only one who could open it was the Lamb, Jesus. Jesus is at the center and everyone in heaven is saying, “He is worthy of our praise and honor and glory.” Why is he worthy of our praise and honor and glory? You might right away, “because he is God!” True, he is right next to God the Father, equal to him, and fulfilling what he once told his disciples that “all should honor the Son just as they honor the Father” (John 5:23). The one who twice turned a five loaves of bread and two fishes into food for a multitude, who stopped a storm in a millisecond and who brought three people back from the dead is God. But he’s the Lamb who was killed and is alive again. What makes Jesus worthy of receiving power, wealth, wisdom, and strength is that he gave up his life to purchase us and he came back to life again so we would know it’s true. His grace, undeserved kindness to us, is a greater characteristic of God than even his power. That’s why the hundred million angels are praising him in heaven.
So the only proper response to who this Lamb is and what he’s done for us, is to worship him, honor him, sing his praises. He is the powerful Lord who thundered in the Third Commandment “Worship me!” But here’s the issue: could any of us say our worship of him – not just the one hour a week in his house but also the other 167 hours a week that we worship – is the perfect honoring him like we see here in the heavenly picture? Do we give him the total and perfect praise he deserves or do we struggle with priorities – there’s so much to do in life, each day of the week, that sometimes our worship of the Lamb falls from #1 to #3 or 4 or 5 or lower. Or, have we learned the regular weekly pattern that God wants of being in his house, but our thoughts when we’re here are a mile away? Let me show you what I mean: part of worship is listening as God speaks to us; have you gotten to the end of one of the Scripture readings and you have no idea what it was about because your mind got distracted and you started thinking about something else and you missed the whole thing. Have you ever picked up the announcement page to see what’s going on this week… right in the middle of a song or reading or a prayer? Have we ever given less than full effort into our worship – if you’re over tired, that’s often what happens, isn’t it? Does your mind ever drift away from God during a prayer, where you’re talking to God himself? Jesus is worthy of our perfect and total and regular worship, but we have fallen far short.
Yet the same powerful Lord who boomed the commandments from the sky, is the forgiving Savior who re-motivates us to worship him over and over again with his forgiveness and patience. This Lamb was slain for the times our priorities were all wrong, for the times we just went through the motions, for the times our focus wasn’t on Jesus. And that Lamb came to life so that we would know we stand forgiven. In his letter to the Romans, Paul wrote, “[Jesus] was delivered over to death for
our sins and was raised to life for our justification.” And to prove to you that you are a forgiven child of God, Jesus gave John this vision of the Lamb. He’s worthy of our praise because he’s forgiven us.
And you’re in the picture. Yes, this picture of heaven.
So what do you think you’ll be doing in heaven? We’ll be worshiping Jesus. And it will be perfect, exciting, awesome. The center of attention will be Jesus, not us. We say it now and we’ll say it in heaven, “The Lamb is alive! He is risen! He is risen, indeed!” Sin paid for, the devil squashed, death’s power and pain broken. John could see it….and so do we. Amen.
What are we going to be doing in heaven after we die?