Get this. I’m at a wedding in London in the 70s. I’m 4. My mother turns to the person next to her after noticing I’d wandered away from the table. “I should go grab him!” she says. “Let him play” is the reply.
A moment later, another lady at the table says, “Look at that boy on the stage!” – pointing at a kid standing up there, hands held out in front of him in a bowl shape – “he should be called Oliver.”
“He is!!!” my Mother replies looking horrified.
That actually happened. No word of a lie. I’ll give you my mum’s phone number.
Told you there would be charming anecdotes.
What’s my point? Isn’t it enough that you’re all like “I’m listening to Oliver Twist’s life story!”?
I’ll make it easy for you. You should behave like you are Oliver Twist (me), and ask for something more after every conversion.
When you acquire a lead – when someone fills in your form – the results you can get by asking for more will blow your mind. Or refill your bowl of gruel.
Your marketing doesn’t end with a conversion. Where there is intent there is opportunity.
Post-Conversion Marketing (PCM)
The act of asking for – and getting – more from your leads, is known as post-conversion marketing. It’s the process of continuing the conversation with your new lead on the confirmation page they see after filling out your form.
PCM in action – What should you do?
Imagine this scenario in your head brain.
Dude fills out your form to download an ebook about snowboard designs. You say, “Thanks dude! If you like that ebook about snowboard design, you should come watch our live demonstration of 3D printing snowboard design transfers!”
That scenario can be applied to almost any online business model. You establish interest, then you prompt for a subsequent interaction.
How to use confirmation pages to double your lead gen potential
Here’s a quick and easy case study for you that you can copy to give an instant boost to your lead gen numbers.
We changed the thank-you page for our webinar registration landing pages from asking for a social share, to asking people to subscribe to our blog newsletter.
Here’s the confirmation page in question:
2,500 people registered for the webinar, and of those 40% subscribed to the blog! That’s 1,100 extra blog subscribers just by adding a CTA to the confirmation page of a webinar lead gen form.
Here’s another example of a great confirmation page. In this example, Derek Halpern engages in a conversation and asks people to do 1 or 2 optional tasks. Remember, all you need to do is ask, and you will get some post-conversion conversions.
That’s smart post-conversion marketing! Go do it yourself.
Chapter 6: Please, Internet, I want more conversions