
The Most Entertaining Guide to Landing Page Optimization You'll Ever Read

Landing pages rule. Blah.

Homepages suck. Blah.

Do some A/B testing. Blah.

Base your optimization strategy on customer feedback. Blah.

All of those statements are true. But they sound boring and being boring is lame. It’s twenty fourteen and I refuse to be lame.

If you want to be a non-lame marketer, it’s really easy. Read this post, have a laugh, and treat everything I say as gospel.

Be warned, however, that I may descend into telling bad jokes in the absence of witty metaphor and charming anecdotal rhetoric.

The experienced adult readers amongst you might remember that “Shit. The condom broke!” moment. Yeah you do. You might also remember that it felt like a good time to run a test. #STDsArentFunny. Perhaps. But, as we go through this epic journey together today, I’ll show you exactly when and how you should really be testing.

But first. The best 7-part list of bullet points you’ll ever read.

The start of the best part of your day begins now with this table of contents:

  1. First I’ll give you the only rationale you’ll ever need to explain why landing pages are to marketers, what Immodium is to an astronaut with diarrhea. Essential.

  2. I’ll prove why context – not content – is king when it comes to conversion.

  3. Following that, I will make you fall in love with forms. FYI, it’s really, really hard to make form love a “thing”.

  4. Mid way through we’ll sip some Canadian Club, get our Don Draper on, and learn how to write copy like the Mad Men (and Women).

  5. “Paint me a pretty picture Johnny!” “Screw you mommy. Design is not just rainbows and unicorns!”

  6. Is it greedy to want a second helping when you’re an orphan? Not if you have my name. (It’s Oliver in case you’re confused). Always ask for more when it comes to conversion .

  7. And finally, I’ll put my art critic hat on and rip into some landing page examples, both good and bad.

Challenge laid down. Challenge accepted (on your behalf).

I will send the rest chapters in the following posts.


The Most Entertaining Guide to Landing Page Optimization You'll Ever Read

